Due to cuts by various Governments,
Legal Aid is now no longer as widely available as it used to be. There are
large areas of law which simply do not qualify for Legal Aid at all, such as business
disputes, most money disputes, and conveyancing.
In addition, even if legal aid is
still available for certain types of law there are often stringent eligibility
criteria that mean even people with modest incomes or assets may not qualify.
This can leave people struggling
to pay for legal fees. But there is another option which many people may not be
aware that they have. This is Legal Expenses insurance which is often attached
to home insurance policies or motor insurance policies. Sometimes it also comes
as a benefit with certain membership or professional organisations.
So, if you are trying to work out
how to fund your legal fees and you have any form of insurance such as house or
car, or you are a member of an organisation, look carefully at the policies or
membership documents to see if you have got Legal expenses insurance which
could help.
Not all policies have legal
expenses insurance attached. Often you must pay a few pounds extra each year to
have it on – so it’s always worth considering making that payment when you come
to renew your policies.
It’s also worth being aware of
some common restrictions on policies.
Firstly, not all policies cover
all legal disputes. It’s rare to have family or divorce law covered, often because
policies are bought jointly, and insurers don’t want to fund one policyholder
making claims against another. Also, divorce is often not a sudden event and
insurers don’t want to insure someone for divorce fees when they may have known
that they are likely to get divorced when they bought the policy.
The legal fees insured are often
related to the type of policy. So, a motor or car insurance policy may cover
things like accidents in the car or disputes about the car. It usually will not
cover unrelated matters such as an employment dispute.
However, household insurance,
buildings and contents, with legal expenses attached, tends to cover a wider
variety of legal issues. Consumer disputes, employment matters, accidents and
property disputes are often covered. You need to look carefully at the terms of
the policy to see if your matter is covered or not.
For business owners with business disputes,
it’s also worth looking at your business policies or talking to you your broker
about them, because Legal expenses insurance can be attached to business
policies too and cover business disputes.
Other things to be aware of are a
time limit for reporting claims and sometimes a time limit in relation to when
the incident occurred. Many insurers will have a fairly strict time limit on
reporting a claim so they will not cover it if you are too late in reporting.
That means don’t delay in reporting a claim. Your policy will usually say how
to report a claim and what you need to do.
There are also provisions in some
policies that mean you cannot claim for something that may have started or
occurred before the policy was incepted or within a certain time of the policy
being incepted. The reason is that insurers don’t want people buying a policy
knowing at the time they purchase that they are likely to make a claim.
If the insurers do agree to cover
your legal fees, they will usually ask you to use one of their panel solicitors
or will agree fees with your own solicitors. They will not necessarily agree
upfront to pay your own solicitors fees, and the insurers will not pay legal
fees before they have agreed to cover your claim. That means that you should
not start incurring fees with your own solicitor, expecting the insurers to
pay, before the insurers agree to do so. If you want the insurers to pay your
legal fees the safest approach is to get them to agree to do so before you
incur those fees. Be clear with yourself, your solicitor and the insurers on
whether they will pay your solicitor, or whether they want you to use one of
their panel solicitors.
You also need to be aware of the
limit of indemnity. Insurers may agree to pay your legal fees but there will be
a limit on it. Your policy will tell you what that is. Typically, that is
£50,000 or £100,000 but some will be as low as £25,000. Although those sound
like a lot, in some legal disputes it can be easy to reach these fees.
The limit of indemnity will often include other side’s fees as well. So, if you have a limit of indemnity of say £50,000 you may run out if your own fees reach £25,000 and the other side’s fees reach £25,000 too. It’s important therefore, if you use Legal expense insurance to fund your case, that you discuss with the solicitors whether the limit of indemnity is likely to be enough and what happens if it runs out. It may be that at that point your solicitors would offer you a “no win no fee” agreement. But they do not have to, so in a large case it’s worth discussing that with them well before any indemnity limit is reached.