You may have seen a lot in the news about the Ockenden Inquiry
into maternity services at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust. The
inquiry reviewed almost 1,600 maternity incidents over a 20-year period and
found that 201 babies could have survived had the Trust provided appropriate
care. When the inquiry was first commissioned, it was intended to examine 23
cases, but this escalated to a concerning 1,592 cases, all associated with the
same Trust.
In addition, there was avoidable harm caused to many other babies,
some now left with significant lifelong conditions. Mothers were also subjected
to unacceptable care and suffered harm and nine mothers died.
Why did this go unnoticed for 20 years?
It didn’t. The Trust had been referred to the Healthcare
Commission (HCC) and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for investigation. Despite
this, the investigators either failed to undertake the investigation or the
investigation was inadequate allowing the Trust to continue its practices.
The inquiry worryingly revealed there was a culture of failing to
listen to the families, in particular the mothers’ concerns or wishes.
What is the outcome of the inquiry?
The outcome of the inquiry has made a wide range of
recommendations, the majority for that particular Trust, fifteen for NHS maternity
providers in general and a small amount for the government. It has thrown a
spotlight on significant failings, and it is only now, many years on in some
cases, that an active police investigation is underway.
It is surprising that even recently these tragedies are still occurring,
with mothers and babies paying the ultimate price. We should perhaps all
commend the brave 1,486 families who stood together and prompted the inquiry at
the outset, and the hundreds of families whose very painful experiences were
shared during Donna Ockenden’s independent review.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to the negligence of a medical or health professional then we may be able to help you find a solicitor at Search4Legal.co.uk to enable you to pursue a claim for compensation.